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Awareness Days for October 2020


September is without a doubt, the busiest month of the year for me, with back to school, busy work projects and organising the Mourne Mountain Marathon. So I'm a bit late writing this blog but 7 days into the month and there are still plenty of awareness days going on, to hook your content off.

I know my husband for one, is delighted that spreadsheet day (17th Oct) and World Statistics Day (20th Oct - only happens every 5 years!) both fall in the same month. I am equally delighted with Chocolate Week (12th Oct), International Gin and Tonic Day (19th Oct) and the clocks going back (25th Oct) 💤 Definitely some reasons to lift our mood in these COVID-19 tainted days 😊

Take a scan through my list and add relevant ones into your content calendar this month 🗓️

October is the month for...

W/C 1st October

W/C 5th October

W/C 12th October

W/C 19th October

W/C 26th October

We hope these come in useful and let us know of any days we have missed.

5 Tips For Content Planning

  1. Choose to talk about awareness days that are relevant to your audience and your brand

  2. Plan your content using a content calendar, a simple Excel spreadsheet will do

  3. Set aside some time each week for content planning, creating and scheduling

  4. Awareness days can be used for content across all your digital channels: social media, email newsletters, website....

  5. Double check the awareness day applies to where you are located

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